Industrial Hemp: The Farm Bill


Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) Is All About Industrial Hemp. This Farm Bill may pass after all.Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan praised industrial hemp and CBD Tuesday. Ryan’s endorsement for hemp comes at a key time. Congressional leaders are currently negotiating differences in the House and Senate versions of the Farm Bill. The Senate proposal contains language championed by McConnell, the GOP majority leader, that would legalize hemp. The House bill has no such provision.Chart above shows the benefits of Hemp.Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are now vocally in support of ending the prohibition on marijuana’s non-intoxicating cousin, it seems more and more likely that the House will accept the Senate’s new language on hemp. Rep.Ryan stated:

“By the way, there’s a lot of industrial uses for hemp that I understand from talking to Mitch McConnell is a big deal to Kentucky agriculture, and we’re all in favor of that as well.”

Even though we like to think these lawmakers want to pass the Farm Bill for the righteousness of our country, letting our citizens capitalize on the potential benefits of industrial hemp. The main theme or underlying means of passing the bill which both men have stated is that they want to pass this bill to boost the southern states economy. Either way, take this information as you please. This country will be better off with the Farm Bill in full affect.  

LegalConnor MacNeil