Puff Puff Pass: Las Vegas


After the most recent mass shooting attack in Vegas which made headline news across the world, Vegas is in need for a calming solution to all this havoc.  At this time, folks here at Usmarijuana would like to send our most sincere condolences to those who were affected by the shootings. Evil is present in the world, now more than ever, and it is our job as a society to spread kindness and good vibes.Earlier this week Nevada’s Legislature Counsel Bureau gave the "go" for marijuana to be permitted in public places. This sounds like a dream come true for those who want to spend a weekend in Sin City and puff some grass. Patrons visiting the state and in particular, Vegas can smoke in public if they are of legal age, 21.Citing that there is a major lack of state law, the bureau said that cities and counties could create their own ordinances governing marijuana consumption in business. Weed was decriminalized in Nevada as of July 1st 2017. , But now it is entirely legal for adults. This means that the penalties for possession and distribution are greatly reduced from what they are in other parts of the countryNevada's State Sen. Tick Segerblom said pot lounges could be standalone venues with dispensaries, similar to the coffee shops in Amsterdam that sell edibles. [parallax] [/parallax] Segerblom stated:

"We’re inviting 40 million people to come here and buy marijuana, but then we turn around and say there’s no place to use it," Segerblom said, "of the annual influx of tourists who go to Las Vegas I think Vegas is perfect for this," he added "that’s what we do. We regulate vices."

The bureau of Nevada issued its opinion in a letter on Sunday to State Sen. Tick Segerblom who had requested clarification on Nevada law after not making it past state legislature earlier in the year.On Tuesday, Commissioners in Clark County, which encompasses Las Vegas, will decide whether they want to pursue any ordinances surrounding public pot consumption. Segerblom said he doesn't expect anything to be enacted until next year at the earliest.National marijuana advocates praised the Nevada state body's opinion.

"We’re very pleased to see that the legislature is taking seriously the need for there to be social consumption regulations in place to give those who chose to responsibly consume cannabis the opportunity to do so in a manner similar to how we have bars for alcohol," said Justin Strekal, political director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

It seems like if you want to enjoy your freedom by smoking weed in pubic, now is the time to do so in Vegas. It is not for certain that you will be able to in years to come.

LegalConnor MacNeil