Battling Opioids: The National Emergency



Why is the US in Such an Opiate Frenzy?”

The US consumes more than 80% of the global opioid pill production even though it has less than 5% of the world’s population. Over the past 20 years, one federal institution after another lined up behind the drug manufacturers’ false claims of an epidemic of untreated pain in the US. They seem not to have asked why no other country was apparently suffering from such an epidemic or plying opioids to its patients at every new opportunity.Unlike most other countries, the US health system is run as an industry not a service. That gives considerable power to drug manufacturers, medical providers and health insurance companies to influence policy and practices. You've probably heard about the unethical pharma companies – well we are finally starting to realize the reprocussions of previous legislative decision making.

Facts About Opiate Addiction

  1. Since 1999, deaths from opioid overdoses have quadrupled
  2. Opioid abuse has burns up over $70 billion in medical costs each year in the US
  3. States with medical marijuana laws save an average of 165.2 million per year

"What we hope people take away from this is that when marijuana becomes available as a clinical option, physicians and patients together are reacting as if marijuana is medicine."

  • W. David Bradford, Economist

Unlike most other countries, the US health system is run as an industry not a service. That gives considerable power to drug manufacturers, medical providers and health insurance companies to influence policy and practices. You've probably heard about the unethical pharma companies – well we are finally starting to realize the repercussions of previous legislative decision making. Dog on phone

Fighting Fire With Fire

Yes, it's time to start fighting fire with (green) fire. Marijuana has been sighted on way too many occasions as a suitable substitute to painkillers and prescription drugs, however it's been consistently overlooked.

"If we could use cannabis, which is less addictive and harmful than opioids, to increase the effectiveness of pain treatment, I think it can make a difference during this epidemic of opioid abuse..."""We are hampered by the fact that it is still difficult to get funding for studies on cannabis as a therapeutic..."
  • Dr. Donald Abrams, Chief of the Hematology-Oncology Division at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

So, how do we support the anti-opioid movement? Vote, sign petitions and stand your ground on issues that you feel passionate about. Weed related or not, there are decisions being made each and every day about various addiction remedies, mental health advocacy and physical therapy remedies that you can have an impact on.

Opioids in The News

You may not like the man for his political views or actions, however we can all agree that his recent statements will inevitably loosen his noose on the greenery. President Donald Trump took a step in the opposite direction of his well known stance on the ganja by officially declaring that the opioid crisis in our country has become a “national emergency”. Government officials have verbalized their intent to intensify their efforts to combat this epidemic.

“The opioid crisis is an emergency. And I am saying officially right now: It is an emergency, it’s a national emergency. We’re going to spend a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money on the opioid crisis.”
  • President, Trump

During the election, other prevalent politicians expressed similar views on opioid abuse

"There is a responsibility on the part of the pharmaceutical industry and the drug companies who are producing all of these drugs and not looking at the consequence of it.
  • Senator, Bernie Sanders

 A drug commission led by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently called on Trump to declare a national emergency to help deal with this growing crisis. An initial report from the commission noted that approximately 142 deaths each day from drug overdose means the mortality a direct factor caused by this epidemic.

“Taking this drastic and necessary measure to confront an opioid crisis that is devastating communities around the country and ripping families apart, from their loved ones."
  • Attorney General, Jeff Sessions
Health, LegalConnor MacNeil