Does CBD Oil help with Hair Loss?


Does CBD Oil Help with Hair loss?

Hair loss is a real problem for most men entering the latter half of their 30’s. Sixty percent of men experience hair loss in in some form by this time, and the chance of that bald spot increasing as they get older is likely.Some of the top factors that contribute to hair loss in men include poor physical health, anxiety, and stress. However, the main reason for hair loss is known as (MPB) or Male Pattern Baldness - this depends on a man’s genetics.There is currently no evidence that CBD can cure or prevent hair loss, there are several properties of CBD that can help hair growth. The CBD cannabinoid contains natural moisturizers that help hydrate the scalp and maintain the healthiness of thinning hair. CBD also includes a vast range of beneficial properties for healthy hair including Vitamin E, which assists on making the hair follicle stronger.In addition to Vitamin E, CBD oil contains essential fatty acids like Omega 3 and Omega 6. These vital acids contribute to strengthening hair, which means CBD oil might be able to reduce the rapidity of MPB.

Study conducted by University of Seville cited by The Belgravia Center, CBD oil also contains essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, which all contribute to a person’s overall health and stimulate hair growth.

Although there is no certainty that CBD oil can cure hair loss all together. CBD oil can help alleviate the psychological affects or mental issues that one receives from early hair loss.Here are a few shampoos to check out if you are interested in trying out CBD for your hair loss!

  1. Bud's Pure Naturals 
  2. Earthly Body
  3. Dr. Hempsters 
  4. CBD for Life Products 
HealthConnor MacNeil