New England Cannabis Convention 2017


Attention please!

For all you marijuana enthusiasts, there’s something else to look forward to this April besides 4/20. Can you guess what that is? Oh you don’t have ESP, ok ok let me explain then…NECANN BostonBoston’s very own Hynes Convention Center is hosting THE New England Cannabis Convention on April 22-23, 2017. Attendees spirits and smiles will be sky high for this year’s kick off in a freshly legalized community within greater commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Medical marijuana meets the newly placed recreational marijuana laws in the abstract possibilities of the new Cannabis frontier.

How to Attend NECANN 2017

For those of you who don’t know about NECANN – let me enlighten you!  NECANN is an organization that has grown from the fundamental roots of positive activity, awareness, and connection within the Cannabis community. The goal of the convention is to work as a hub spot for the medical cannabis industry. Under the Hynes Roof for those two days will be patients, advocates, businessmen, investors, educators, and customers. These participants will be moving from booth to booth in between guest speakers learning about their new cultivated community.

For Patients, Advocates and Caregivers:

  1. The first package involves those who are Patients, Advocates, and Caregivers (PAC).  The one day pass for (PAC) is now on sale for $20 and includes access to the exhibit floor and track 1 - which is access to panel discussions on the seminar stage on the exhibit floor. The two-day pass is on sale for $30 which includes the same package for both Saturday and Sunday.  

For Businesses:

  1. The second package involves Business, Investments, and career (BIC).  The one day pass for (BIC) is now on sale for $50 and includes access to the exhibit floor and track 1-4 panel discussions on the seminar stage on the exhibit floor AND keynote speakers and field experts in meeting rooms off the exhibit floor. The two-day pass for (BIC) is on sale for $75 and includes everything the single day pass does for both days.  If would you like to participate in this year’s New England Cannabis Convention, here is some information on registration.

US Marijuana Dispensaries

So Much Room For Activities!

Daily events and gatherings also a recap of what the (BIC) and (PAC) entails! Hit the link below!  The following is information on the event with hyperlinks to the main NECANN website.Because there are multiple options for select speakers, you may want to view the program ahead of time to determine which speakers and information you want to obtain. If you choose the one day pass, this part is important because time is limited!Additional contact information is available as well. If you would like to reach out to some of the sponsors. Some of the sponsors that will be attending this years NECANN Convention include Culture Magazine, Leafly, New England Grass Roots Institute, and Cannakorp. Sponsorship Opportunities are available for brands and other community members looking to get involved! Please support those who are leading the charge on industry growth!Canna pitch slam Registration for aspiring ganjapreneurs and others looking to show off their ideas to the world! Gain exposure and learn from the ones who have ‘been there and done that’!